Policy: Performance Management for Staff

Listing generated on 07/27/2024 at 02:18:21.

(Policy predates system.)
Name: Performance Management for Staff
Number: 10000395
Code: HRO.EM.300.110
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: VC for Administration & Finance
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Effective Date: 06/02/2021
Summary/Purpose: The purpose of the University’s performance management system is to ensure that
individual, team, and/or department objectives are being reached efficiently
and effectively. Effective performance is defined in advance and tools and
procedures necessary to measure performance are provided. Performance
management requires the supervisor and staff member (non-faculty personnel) to
have frequent candid discussions about performance expectations, established
objectives, actual performance, and future development. The comparison of
actual performance with expectations and standards serves as a basis for
recognizing accomplishments, fueling performance, and planning for continued
progress and improvement where deficiencies may be found. A successful
performance management program helps retain talented employees, keeps employees
engaged, enhances employee learning, and builds a successful culture and
Policy Narrative: PDF File
People Affected:  STAFF  
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