Policy: Employee Conflict of Interest

Listing generated on 09/18/2024 at 20:55:16.

(Policy predates system.)
Name: Employee Conflict of Interest
Number: 10000521
Code: HRO.EM.300.300
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: VC for Administration & Finance
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Effective Date: 08/29/2022
Next Review Date: 08/09/2024
Last Changed by: Baker, Kathryn Louise on 08/11/2022
Approved By: Shideler, Joy Tatum on 08/29/2022
Summary/Purpose: University of Mississippi employees have a legal and ethical responsibility
to maintain compliance with laws regarding employee conflicts of interest.
Guidelines are given to determine when a conflict of interest may exist,
along with where to get additional information, and the consequences of
violating state ethics laws.
Policy Narrative: PDF File
People Affected:  FACULTY    STAFF  
Related UM Policies: HRO.EM.300.090   Consultant or Independent Contractor
Related Resources:

Policy Feedback

Policy History

Related Notes: Note posted on 08/21/2006 by CLAYTON H JONES from Policy Review With No Changesno changes
Note posted on 08/04/2008 by CLAYTON H JONES from Policy Review With No Changesno changes
Note posted on 07/06/2010 by CLAYTON H JONES from Policy Review With No Changesno changes
Note posted on 06/11/2012 by CLAYTON H JONES from Policy Review With No Changesno changes
Note posted on 03/12/2014 by CLAYTON H JONES from Policy Review With No Changesno changes
Note posted on 01/04/2016 by CLAYTON H JONES from Policy Review With No Changesno changes
Note posted on 12/15/2017 by CLAYTON H JONES from Policy Review With No Changesno changes
Note posted on 09/25/2019 by Clayton H Jones from Policy Review With No Changesno changes
Note posted on 07/15/2021 by Kathy Baker from Policy Update
Updated language to reflect General Counsel's office. No other major changes.
Note posted on 10/08/2021 by Andrea Jekabsons from Policy Submit To Policy Manager
Note posted on 04/18/2022 by Kathy Baker from Policy Update
Corrected typo in title.
Note posted on 04/19/2022 by Kathy Baker from Policy Submit To Policy Manager
Corrected typo in policy name.
Note posted on 08/08/2022 by David Whitcomb from Policy Reject
See edit in email of August 8.
Note posted on 08/09/2022 by Kathy Baker from Policy Update
Revised language of policy. Change procurement to "business transaction of the
University. Removed reference to Section 1200 of the Policies and Bylaws of the Board of Trustees for IHL. Changed illegal to impermissible. Add "of employment" to termination for clarification.
Note posted on 08/09/2022 by Kathy Baker from Policy Submit To Policy Manager
Revised language of policy. Change procurement to "business transaction of the
University. Removed reference to Section 1200 of the Policies and Bylaws of the Board of Trustees for IHL. Changed illegal to impermissible. Add "of employment" to termination for clarification.
Note posted on 08/09/2022 by David Whitcomb from Policy Reject
See email of August 9.
Note posted on 08/11/2022 by Kathy Baker from Policy Update
Revised and clarified language.
Note posted on 08/11/2022 by Kathy Baker from Policy Submit To Policy Manager
Revised and clarified language.