Listing generated on 07/26/2024 at 21:38:52.

Keydate: 2021-05-20
Policy Name: Injury Leave
Policy Code: HRO.BE.600.090
Status: Deactivated
Administrative Division: VC for Administration & Finance
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Effective Date: 06/23/2009
Last Changed by: Cooper, Andrea G on 05/20/2021
Policy Narrative: PDF File

Policy Summary/Purpose:
An employee may use accumulated paid time off in the event he/she is injured
in the course of employment and is required to be absent from work.

Keydate: 2009-06-23
Policy Name: Injury Leave
Policy Code: HRO.BE.600.090
Status: Deactivated
Administrative Division: VC for Administration & Finance
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Effective Date: 06/23/2009
Last Changed by: Jones, Clayton H on 04/25/2019
Policy Narrative: PDF File

Policy Summary/Purpose:
An employee may use accumulated paid time off in the event he/she is injured
in the course of employment and is required to be absent from work.

Keydate: 2005-01-01
Policy Name: Injury Leave
Policy Code: HRO.BE.600.090
Status: Deactivated
Administrative Division: VC for Administration & Finance
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Effective Date: 06/09/2005
Last Changed by: Jones, Clayton H on 06/19/2007
Policy Narrative: PDF File

Policy Summary/Purpose:
An employee may use accumulated paid time off in the event he/she is injured
in the course of employment and is required to be absent from work.