Policy: GLBA Information Security Management

Listing generated on 09/07/2024 at 19:43:09.

Name: GLBA Information Security Management
Number: 10001058
Code: ADM.FT.100.005
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: VC for Administration & Finance
Responsible Office: VC for Administration & Finance
Effective Date: 06/12/2024
Summary/Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance to the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) Safeguards Rule (16 CFR Part 314) by
establishing the standards, expectations and requirements for the
University of Mississippi (UM) for safeguarding the confidentiality,
integrity, and security of customer information by protecting against
threats, hazards, and unauthorized access that could result in
substantial harm or inconvenience to any student.
Policy Narrative: PDF File
People Affected:  FACULTY    STAFF    STUDENTS  
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