Policy: Graduate Certificate Program Policy

Listing generated on 07/26/2024 at 22:20:28.

Name: Graduate Certificate Program Policy
Number: 10000994
Code: ACA.GS.400.005
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: Provost/VC for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: Provost/VC for Academic Affairs
Effective Date: 02/07/2022
Summary/Purpose: The Graduate School recognizes that academic units or organized groups of
faculty can offer structured programs of study leading to graduate
certificates. The general purpose of a graduate certificate program is to
enhance the academic training of individuals through a set of specialized
courses on a topic. The set of courses may be interdisciplinary or they may
be closely related courses within a discipline.
Policy Narrative: PDF File
People Affected:  FACULTY    STUDENTS  
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