Policy: Housing - Health/Safety of Self & Others

Listing generated on 07/26/2024 at 21:40:28.

(Policy predates system.)
Name: Housing - Health/Safety of Self & Others
Number: 10000245
Code: DSA.SH.400.016
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: VC for Student Affairs
Responsible Office: Student Housing
Effective Date: 08/11/2023
Summary/Purpose: Students are expected to behave in such a way as to not endanger
themselves or place others at risk. This policy explains the responsibility all
students who
live in University owned or managed residence halls, residential colleges, and
apartments have with regard to behavior that may place themselves, or others, a
of harm or danger.
Policy Narrative: PDF File
People Affected:  STUDENTS    VISITORS  
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