Policy: Student Housing - Implied Consent

Listing generated on 07/27/2024 at 02:22:54.

(Policy predates system.)
Name: Student Housing - Implied Consent
Number: 10000239
Code: DSA.SH.400.013
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: VC for Student Affairs
Responsible Office: Student Housing
Effective Date: 08/11/2023
Summary/Purpose: This policy explains a student’s responsibility with regard to the activities t
take place in University owned and managed residence halls, residential college
and apartments. Students will refrain from facilitating a violation of universi
policy and/or remaining present while a violation is occurring (e.g. staying in
space where drugs are being used or being a spectator to an act of vandalism).
Policy Narrative: PDF File
People Affected:  STUDENTS    VISITORS  
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