Policy: Health and Safety

Listing generated on 07/26/2024 at 21:48:34.

(Policy predates system.) - originally became effective on 07/01/1999
Name: Health and Safety
Number: 10000320
Code: ADM.EC.500.001
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: VC for Administration & Finance
Responsible Office: Environmental Health & Safety
Effective Date: 07/19/2016
Summary/Purpose: The Health and Safety Policy details the University's committment to
providing a clean and healthful place of employment, and to comply with all
applicable safety and environmental regulations.
Policy Narrative: PDF File
People Affected:  ALL  
Related UM Policies: ADM.EC.100.001   Chemical Safety Manual
ADM.EC.200.001   Biological Safety Manual
ADM.EC.300.002   Laser Safety Manual
RSP.RI.400.001   Scientific Diving Safety Manual
Related Resources: Health and Safety Home Page

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