Policy: Professional Services - Spending

Listing generated on 09/07/2024 at 21:46:54.

(Policy predates system.)
Name: Professional Services - Spending
Number: 10000615
Code: PUR.AP.100.015
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: VC for Administration & Finance
Responsible Office: Procurement Services
Effective Date: 04/29/2024
Next Review Date: 02/09/2028
Last Changed by: Mooney, Patti L on 02/09/2024
Approved By: Shideler, Joy Tatum on 04/27/2024
Summary/Purpose: Payments for professional services made to individuals or companies
performing services for the University.
Policy Narrative: PDF File
Related UM Policies: HRO.EM.300.090   Consultant or Independent Contractor
PUR.AP.100.012   Payment to Non-U.S. Citizens - Spending
Related Resources: E-Forms
Form 13

Policy Feedback

Policy History

Related Notes: Note posted on 09/10/2007 by CORRIE JEAN FREE from Policy Review With No Changes
review with no changes
Note posted on 07/08/2009 by CORRIE JEAN FREE from Policy Review With No Changes
review without changes ? updated the review date
Note posted on 06/13/2011 by CORRIE JEAN FREE from Policy Review With No Changes
review with no changes
Note posted on 08/26/2013 by RACHEL R BOST from Policy Review With No Changes
Reviewed with no changed 8/26/2013. Rachel Bost
Note posted on 06/22/2015 by STEVEN WAYNE RIDOUT from Policy Review With No Changes
Reviewed with no changes.
Note posted on 09/11/2017 by RACHEL R BOST from Policy Review With No Changes
Note posted on 11/25/2019 by Patti L Mooney from Policy Review With No Changes
No changes
Note posted on 10/20/2021 by Patti L Mooney from Policy Review With No Changes
No changes
Note posted on 02/09/2024 by Patti L Mooney from Policy Update
Reworked the policy for easier understanding/reading. Also added/updated links within policy
Note posted on 02/09/2024 by Patti L Mooney from Policy Submit To Policy Manager
Reworked the policy for easier understanding/reading. Also added/updated links within policy