Policy: Interpersonal Violence Sexual Misconduct

Listing generated on 07/27/2024 at 01:32:29.

Name: Interpersonal Violence Sexual Misconduct
Number: 10001023
Code: ACA.EO.100.022
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: Provost/VC for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: Equal Opportunity/Regulatory Compliance
Effective Date: 08/15/2023
Summary/Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to promote a community of learning dedicated to n
urturing excellence and intellectual inquiry and to provide students notice abo
ut their duty to respect the dignity of each person by refraining from prohibit
ed behaviors. This policy outlines prohibited conduct, including sexual harassm
ent and other types of sexual misconduct, as well as stalking and relationship
Policy Narrative: PDF File
People Affected:  ALL  
Related UM Policies:
Related Resources: UM Safe website

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