Policy: Information Confidentiality/Security

Listing generated on 07/26/2024 at 22:13:42.

Name: Information Confidentiality/Security
Number: 10000509
Code: ACA.IT.400.030
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: Provost/VC for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: Information Technology
Effective Date: 08/31/2021
Summary/Purpose: This policy articulates an enterprise-wide commitment to information
security and sets standards for how confidential information maintained
by the University of Mississippi (UM) is to be protected. The purpose of
this policy is to ensure that UM employees at all levels, as well as
contractors, understand their roles and responsibilities in reducing
institutional risk as related to information security. Access to sensitive
information is subject to policies, guidelines, and procedures that are
set by UM, the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL), and the
Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services (MS-DITS), as
well as federal and state laws. Adequately securing customer information
is not only the law but also good business sense. Poorly managed customer
data opens doors to identity theft and provides access to sensitive
information that could result in loss to customers.
Policy Narrative: PDF File
Keywords: COMPUTER
Related UM Policies: ACA.HC.100.001   Hybrid Entity Policy & Glossary
ACA.HC.300.001   Information Security Management Program
ACA.IT.100.010   IT Appropriate Use
ACA.IT.100.020   IT Accounts
ACA.IT.100.040   Anti-Virus Protection for UM Computers
ACA.IT.100.050   Technology Purchases
CHA.LM.200.001   Records Retention
RSP.RI.301.016   Electronic Human Subject Data Security
Related Resources: Higher Education Information Security Guide
UM IT Security Website

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